It’s your turn to give back to the dedicated officers of our Belen Police Department. In an effort to keep Belen safe, Chief Harris has deemed a Police K9 program an important addition to his team. These programs are expensive to set up and to maintain.
Always resourceful, Chief Harris has been looking far and wide for alternate funding sources and there are several that the City has applied for. In the meantime, the Aftermath K9 Grant, is a source that is completely up to the community!
This grant is $2,500 that is awarded to the entries that get the most votes from their communities. The departments are separated into 4 tiers based on the number of full and part time employees they have.

From May 25th through June 5th is the Voting Period. Anyone can vote on our PD’s entry in the grant competition, AND you can vote up to 3 TIMES EACH DAY! Once on the Aftermath website, once on their Facebook page, and once on Aftermath’s Instagram.
Winners will be announced on June 7th. There is one winner in each Tier, so we really need ALL of the Community participation we can get! As the voting period gets closer we’ll remind you so be on the lookout for more information and reminders to get those votes in. We can do it, Belen!!
Take a look at last year’s winners, they were able to get some very good officers!