RSVP Retired Senior & Volunteer Program

Welcome to RSVP, Retired Senior & Volunteer Program

The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program helps individuals age 55 and older put their skills and life experience to work for their communities.

RSVP is a federally-sponsored program, part of AmeriCorps Seniors, which pairs Americans aged 55 and older with organizations serving citizens in a variety of ways. The Mid Rio Grande Chapter of RCVP acknowledges the support of the city of Belen, and connects seniors wishing to help their community to find activities they will enjoy, which benefits the overall community. RSVP services more than two dozen partners all around Valencia County. For example: Belen Area Food Pantry, Bosque Farms Senior Center, St. Philip's Episcopal Church, Belen Public Library, Meadow Lake Senior Center, Secundino Baldonado American Legion Post #81, St. Vincente de Paul Thrift Store, and Valencia County Animal Shelter.

How RSVP helps our community in other ways:

  • Partners with AARP for tax preparation services for seniors.
  • Provides information and guidance to seniors and families in need with free food distribution.
  • Hosts an annual luncheon for all its volunteers.
  • Provides support for events at the Belen senior center.
  • Hosts an annual health fair for all(pre-pandemic and later, post-pandemic).
  • Adopted a Belen city park by adding landscaping, regular cleanups, and maintenance.
  • Removal of graffiti from structures in the community.
  • Keeping volunteers informed with a quarterly newsletter.

RSVP volunteers serve from a few hours to forty hours a week. They do a lot within our community helping Non-profits, private, public community organizations and assisting many other great projects. However they choose to serve, RSVP volunteers meet community needs and make a lasting difference. RSVP promotes the engagement of older persons as community resources in planning for community improvement and delivering volunteer services.

Retired Senior & Volunteer Program (RSVP) Flyer

Why Be A Volunteer?

RSVP members make a difference in the lives of those in need. With each new experience, volunteers meet new people and work to solve new problems, creating solutions that benefit everyone. Living a satisfying and fulfilling life means helping others, staying involved, giving back to the community and having fun. RSVP offers the chance to do all of these!

RSVP is a completely FREE program. You are not expected to buy uniforms, nor do you obtain any kind of obligation whatsoever. The program allows you to choose when and where you volunteer. Furthermore, you will receive free volunteer placement and supplemental accident and liability insurance (when you are on your way to volunteer, during your volunteer time, and on your way home).

Benefits to becoming a volunteer
  • Supplemental accident and liability insurance
  • The satisfaction of knowing you are making a difference
  • Optional mileage reimbursement
  • Annual Appreciation/Recognition Luncheon
  • Volunteer Insurance Service provided by CIMA
Click Here to Learn More With Our RSVP Volunteer Handbook
Click Here for the RSVP Volunteer Enrollment Form

RSVP partnered with the City of Belen to help fund-raise for the VA Memorial located at Belen Eagle Park.

Donations for the Veterans Memorial and Information Center are being sought now. Donations of trees, shrubs, and rose bushes as well as financial contributions are needed for continuing constructions, equipping, and maintaining of the Memorial and Information Center. For more information or for questions please call Frank Ortega at 505-966-2664 or view the brochure by clicking the button below.

Veterans Memorial PDF

ECHO "Free Food for Seniors" Program

The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) provides monthly nutritious food, recipes, basic nutrition information, and referrals to other programs for income-qualified, New Mexico resident seniors 60 years and up.

To register you need

  • Picture ID
  • Proof of age. Must be at least 60 years old
  • Proof of New Mexico residency
  • Income for entire household is required

Registration is at the Belen Community Center
305 Eagle Lane, Belen, NM 87002
from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Distribution Dates for 2025
January 7th          July 8th

March 4th             September 9th

May 6th                 November 4th

For more information please contact the RSVP office, 505-966-2567.

RSVP Supervisor

Christine Vasquez 505-916-7198

The Home Owner Rehabilitation Program is accepting applications. This program provides home repairs or accessibility modifications to homeowners who are elderly or disabled and who need financial help to do so. Click here for more information and to apply.

RSVP Advisory Council Members

Jim Rickey - Chairperson

Orlinda Duree - Vice-Chairperson

Pearl Lucero - Member

Lydia Maldonado - Member

Frank Ortega - Ex-Officio

Robert Noblin - Ex-Officio

Learn More About Senior Living Help

Belen Area Food Pantry

The Belen Area Food Pantry is distributing food boxes to families in need.

Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

116 South 6th Street
Belen, NM 87002

Must have ID, Proof of Residence, and live in the Belen school district.
**Limited to 72 Boxes per day**

For more information call Mid-Rio Grande RSVP 505-966-2567

Click Here for the Belen Area Food Pantry Flyer

RSVP Location

719 S Main St.
Belen NM 87002

Find Us on Facebook

Click for Volunteer Timesheets

Brick Applications Still Accepted

The Veterans Memorial Center is still accepting Brick applications and Veterans' pictures. Applications for the bricks can be picked up at the
Belen Veteran Center 305 Eagle Ln Belen and
Belen Business Center 719 S. Main St. Belen

The cost of each brick is $40.00.

All Veteran's pictures are placed at the information center at no cost. Each photo should be in an 8x10 black frame.
For more information please contact Frank Ortega at 505-966-2585.

Order Bricks for the Veterans Memorial

Monthly Newsletters

February 2025 NewsletterDownload
January 2025 NewsletterDownload