Community Resources
The City of Belen wants to make sure that our citizens are able to connect with the agencies, organizations, and resources they need. Here you will find links to those that provide services to our area.
Housing/Shelter/Energy Assistance
- CNM Homelessness Resources - A list of resources (most are located in ABQ) for those experiencing homelessness.
- Crossroads for Women - The Pavilions - Transitional living services for women on probation/parole.
- El Camino Real Housing Authority - Rental assistance, Section 8 housing, veterans eligible.
- Income Support Division - Food Stamps, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Medicaid, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), General Assistance (GA), NM WORKS
- Midwest New Mexico Community Action Program - Food, utility, and emergency assistance if funding available, free tax help.
- Mortgage Finance Authority - Homeowner Assistance Fund: Helps pay the housing costs of income-eligible
New Mexico households who are experiencing financial hardship associated with the COVID-19
health crisis. - PNM Good Neighbor Fund - May cover all or part of your bill. Must make an appointment to see if eligible. Must be PNM customer.
- St. Vincent de Paul - Belen - Diapers, Clothing, Emergency food (groceries),Help with utilities.
- Valencia County Resource Center - Reception and Assessment Center for ages 12-17, Boys Council and Girls Circle. Serves grades K through 12. Free or low-cost furniture from a non-profit. Come in to fill out a request form. LGBTQ+ Welcoming
- Valencia Shelter Services - Safety from sexual assault and domestic violence: women/children only. Rapid Assistance Program housing funding is open to all to apply.
Food Pantries
- Belen Area Food Pantry
- Belen Farmers' Market - Accepts WIC Vouchers, and SNAP Benefits
For every 2 Dollars used from SNAP account you will receive $2 coin that can be used for fresh fruits and vegtables. - Belen First Assembly of God Church - Free Food by appointment.
- Calvary Chapel Rio Grande Valley - Free Food Box.
- Christian Family Church of God - Free Food.
- Commodity Supplemental Food Program for Seniors 60+
- Income Support Division - Belen - Food Stamps, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Medicaid, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), General Assistance (GA).
- Midwest Community Action Program - Food, utility, and emergency assistance if funding available, free tax help..
- Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program
- St. Terese of Calcutta Soup Kitchen - Hot meal served every Friday at 11:00.
- St. Vincent de Paul - Diapers, Clothing, Emergency food (groceries), Help with utilities.
- Sunshine Church - Free Food. Emergency Food Boxes available as resources permit.
- Valencia Community Action Network Food Banks - Drive through or walk-up food distribution. Every third Saturday of the month.
- Valencia County Resource Center
- Women Infants and Children (WIC) - Free food and formula debit card, nutritional counseling and lactation support.
Other Household Needs
- Abundant Grace Free Store - Rio Communities - Free Clothes, household items, books, electronics, small appliances.
- Lifeline Phone Service - Low income phones and service discounts also known as “Obama Phones”.
- St. Vincent de Paul - Belen - Diapers, Clothing, Emergency food (groceries), Help with utilities.
Employment Assistance
- Goodwill Good Jobs of Los Lunas - Vicki Herring - 505-944-0289 - The GoodJobs program assists with job search, resume creation, interview skills, and applying for jobs.
Urgent Care Providers
Mental Health Crisis Assistance
- Call or Text 988 24 Hours a day Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
- Agora Help Line - Crisis or Chat Line all those living in New Mexico. Agora volunteers are at least 18 years old and go through 40 hours of nationally accredited training to become Certified Crisis Hotline Specialists. Bilingual staff available.
- New Mexico Crisis and Access Line - If you or a loved one is experiencing any kind of emotional crisis, mental health or substance use concern, you can find help 24 hours a day, seven days a week, by calling the New Mexico Crisis and Access Line or Peer- to-Peer Warmline.
- UNM Adult Psychiatric Center - PES is the only 24-hour a day, 7-days a week Psychiatric Emergency Room in New Mexico. Clients who present with an acuity level that cannot be accommodated in Urgent Care, such as those at risk to self and/or others are referred to PES.
- UNM Children's Psychiatric Center - UNM Children’s Psychiatric Center provides intensive behavioral health care for children and adolescents through age 17.
- Valencia Shelter Services - Provides legal advocacy to those experiencing domestic violence and/or sexual assault. The Legal Advocacy Program includes support with filing restraining orders, court preparation, court attendance, and community outreach and education. Court many times can be confusing and overwhelming so consider having them walk alongside you on this journey. Advocacy for LGBTQ+ individuals especially those experiencing sexual assault and/or domestic violence issues. Serves Women and/or children. Rapid Assistance Program housing funding is open to all to apply. For urgent matters call the crisis line: 505-864-1383. Services are free.
- Veteran's Crisis Line - Confidential support for Veterans and their families.
Addiction Assistance
- Full Circle Recovery - Intensive Outpatient Program & General Behavioral / Mental Health Clinic. Services: Intensive Outpatient Program, Clinical Assessment for substance use and substance use with co-occurring disorders, Referral to higher or lower level of care to include outpatient detoxification services, Individual Therapy, Group Therapy, and Random urinalysis screenings. We accept Medicaid Clients (Presbyterian, Western Sky, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Medicaid Exempt), Presbyterian commercial insurance, & Self Pay clientele at this time.
- Guidance Foundation - Counseling and Substance Use Disorder Treatment including Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). Medication Assisted Treatment available. Spanish is spoken and we are culturally sensitive. Insurance: We accept nearly all major insurance plans including: New Mexico Medicaid Centennial except Presbyterian, Commercial Plans, Private Insurance, Senior Plans, Self-Pay and Credit Cards.
- Journey to Wellness - Interactive Substance Recovery Relapse Prevention Group.
- Narcotics Anonymous Meetings - Los Chavez - at 1st Baptist Church.
- New Mexico Department of Health - Los Lunas - Needle Exchange, Safer Supplies, Sharps Containers, Referrals to recovery services. Narcan /Naloxone available. Safe place for LGBTQ+, community training for LBGT support.
- New Thirst at Calvary Chapel Rio Grande Valley - Bible based addiction class/ support group.
- Recovery Services of Belen - Provides Methadone treatment and counseling for adults – intakes on every other Tues. Takes Medicaid.
- - A list of drug rehab centers throughout New Mexico.
- Start Your Recovery - A comprehensive directory of support resources in New Mexico.
- Find local treatment options vetted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- Filter to find personalized support (including free and low-cost options)
- Find support groups and other important non-clinical resources
- Treatment Connection Website - This is a statewide list of mental health treatment providers that New Mexico Human Services Dept. has contracted with to keep current.
Childcare and Parenting Resources
- TeamBuilders - Therapist-led Parenting Groups, Family Therapy Approachable, Accessible and Authentic Community-Based Care for New Mexico.
- Youth Development, Inc. (YDI) - Parenting Classes, Teen Outreach Program, Money for Sports, Teen Court, Tobacco Cessation.
- Southwest Family Guidance Center and Institute - Family Therapy, Parent Coaching Sessions, THRIVE classes and Problem Behaviors to age 18.
- Reception and Assessment Center - Families and agencies can self-refer youth between 10 and 17 years of age who are having contact with law enforcement or school disciplinary staff. Assessment of family/youth needs and strengths and referral to community resources included.
- Small Steps Visitation - Visitation and Parenting Coaching.
- Prism Autism Services - Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) interventions (Community and Center -based), SLP and Occupational Therapy.
- Parents As Teachers - Home visiting and education for parents of children prenatal through kindergarten entry. Bilingual services available.
- Open Skies - Behavior Management Services, Counseling, Respite care (in Albuquerque and Los Lunas), juvenile justice referrals, LGBTQ support.
- NMSU Extension - Family Health Classes/4-H/Parenting. The 4-H program is a family-oriented program which empowers youth to reach their full potential by working and learning in partnerships with caring adults.
- Journey to Wellness - Parenting classes are customized. Counseling services for individuals, and families. Specializing in equine, art, sand tray therapies. We attempt to use a non- traditional approach to therapy when able to do so.
- GRADS Program - Belen - Teen parents served at high school with classes to learn parenting skills, employment skills and other life skills. Childcare included.
Youth Services
- Reception and Assessment Center - Families can self-refer 10-17 years old who are having or are at risk of having contact with law enforcement or school disciplinary staff. Assessment of family/youth needs and strengths and referral to community resources included.
- Public Health - Belen - Family Planning, Immunizations, STD tests, Families First Services, WIC/Breastfeeding Support, Children’s Medical Services.
- NM Grads - Belen Schools - Teen parents served at high school with classes to learn parenting skills, employment skills and other life skills. Childcare included.
- New Life Fellowship - Free Tutoring for all grade levels. Snacks provided.
- In Case You're Curious - Text PPNM to 57890 get sexual health questions answered.
- Job Corp - Youth 16-24 Job Training, dorm rooms, meals, GED prep, uniform, medical staff onsite, free thrift store.
- Eagle Park Recreation Center - Recreation, summer job opportunities.
- AmeriCorps - 17-25 yr olds may become members and enlist in volunteer service and earn a stipend and scholarships.
- All Faiths Children's Advocacy Center - High Fidelity Wrap-Around Services (LGBT+ Friendly).
- H2 Academic Solutions - Tutoring, Intervention and Acceleration, Art, Games, Summer Camps, Restorative Justice, Reception and Assessment Center for ages 12-17, Boys Council and Girls Circle. Serves grades K through 12. Free or low-cost furniture from a non-profit. Come in to fill out a request form.LGBTQ+ Welcoming.
- First Choice - Belen - Family Practice, Free Teen Clinic 2-4 pm (STI/Preg testing), Family Planning, OBGYN on Monday. Behavioral Health, Suboxone, Diabetic Group Visits, My CD Classes, INS Sign-up, works with road runner food bank, food boxes given twice a month. Counseling for 13 years + LGBTQ+ Friendly.
Legal Assistance
- New Mexico Crime Victims Reparations Commission - Provide financial assistance to victims of violent crime with expenses incurred as a result of their victimization. For survivors of Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking, Sexual Assault, Battery etc. Take records of expenses related to effects of crime including mental health, healthcare costs, funeral or burial expenses, loss of earnings. Call or go to website for application. Must have completely cooperated with Law Enforcement to be eligible.
- New Mexico Legal Aid - New Mexico Legal Aid provides free services to eligible low-income New Mexico residents with civil (non-criminal) matters. Services range from education, advice and brief services, to full representation in some cases. No one is denied access on the basis of race, age, gender, religion, political affiliation, beliefs, or disability.
- Social Security Administration - Poverty prevention program of the federal government that administers Social Security Benefits including Retirement, Disability, Medicare, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
- Thirteenth Judicial District Court Client SupportProvides people who are involved in various stages of the criminal justice system to address challenges and assist clients to successfully integrate into community to prevent further system involvement.
Veteran Support
- Field Services Division Veterans Service Office - Assists veterans and their eligible dependents with filing VA claims and obtaining federal and state benefits. Also help connect veterans to vital community resources, such as transitional housing and medical and behavioral health care. Information and assistance on federal and state benefits, local veterans’ programs, and referral services is available at any of our field office locations.
- Minority Veteran Program - Serves minority or homeless veterans in Valencia County.
- Workforce Connection - Veterans Employment Matching, Job Development and Skills Testing.
- The Family Connection - Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories treatment for PTSD in addition to other mental health services.
- Goodwill Industries of New Mexico - Helps stabilize housing for very-low income veterans and their families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. TrialWorks for Veterans for those residing with a Vet: Temporary, paid training in retail skills and green skills (recycling, forklift operations, materials processing and warehousing).
- Rio Metro Bus and Rail Runner - Free for Veterans, but must show VA card. Serves most, but not all of Valencia County.
- Veteran's Administration - Veteran's Justice Outreach - Transition and Care Management, Women’s Health Program, Suicide Prevention, Outpatient Mental Health, Medication Assisted Treatment for Substance Use Disorders, Treatment for PTSD, Homeless Program, Employment Reintegration, Legal services, Education support, Chaplain, AA groups, Recreational Therapy.
- Veteran's Integration Center - Support Services for Veteran’s Families in Valencia County.
- VFW Post 2387 Chavez - Curran Post - Meets on the 3rd Wednesdays at 7pm for fellowship and mutual support.
- American Legion #81 Secundino Baldonado and Riders - Meets on 2nd Saturdays for fellowship and mutual support. Dues are $40.00.
- Retired Seniors Volunteer Program (RSVP) - Volunteer Opportunities in schools, libraries, community centers etc. Contact Bertha Flores to see what is available for veterans. Sometimes there are socks, coats, and other supplies for veterans experiencing homelessness.
- Assistive Technology Toolkit for Veterans with PTSD - Free resource guide from Verizon that examines different digital therapy tools and provides resources that can be used by veterans with PTSD alongside treatment.
Support Groups
- Parkinson's Learning Circle - Go to the link for locations and times near or in Valencia County. You may also call a local person for help in this area. Call Edwin Baca at (505) 859-0816.
- Narcotic's Anonymous at First Baptist Church
- Bereavement Support Group - Open to all who have lost a loved one.
- Bereavement Group with Presbyterian Hospice - Open to all community free of charge. Professionally facilitated. Presbyterian offers different virtual support groups over the course of the year. LIFE AFTER LOSS – 6 weekly structured sessions including an educational component and opportunity to share. Please contact Bereavement Support Services at 505-559-7055 or Email Grief Support Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. if you are interested in group or individual support.
- Calvary Chapel Recovery Group "New Thirst" - Bible-based Support Group for Addiction Recovery: Enter Coffee Shop. Pastor Nathan is the contact person.
If you have other resources that you would like to add to this list or you see an error, please contact Summer Ludwig by email or you may call her 505-966-2686.

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