The Belen Public Library Board of Trustees

The Belen Public Library Board of Trustees is the governing body that oversees the Belen Public Library and Belen Harvey House Museum.

Meetings of the Board are subject to the rules of the Open Meetings Act, and will be posted at least 72 hours prior on the information boards in the library.

Board of Trustees Meeting Agendas

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

2023May 4,
2025February 6,
Click for Policies & Procedures for the Library & Harvey House

Belen Public Library Board of Trustees

  • Board President:
    June Romero

    Friends of the Belen Public Library:
    Mary Swenson

    Member at Large:
    Holly Chavez

    Member at Large:
    Paula Castillo

  • Board  Vice President, Member at Large:
    Stephen Cohen

    Friends of the Belen Harvey House Museum:
    Frances Zeller

    Member at Large:
    Charles Rundles

  • Board Treasurer, Belen City Manager:
    Roseann Peralta

    Belen City Councilor:
    Tracy Armijo

    Director, Belen Public Library:
    Kathleen Pickering

Belen Public Library Strategic Plan 2023-2026

Amended Bylaws

The Belen Public Library Board of Trustees

Article I: Establishment of the Library Board of Trustees

Section I: Name

The Library Board of Trustees is established to govern over the Belen Public Library, Belen Harvey House Museum, and all branch libraries of the Belen Public Library.

Section II: Formation and Purpose

The Library Board of Trustees is established by the Belen City Council and Mayor.

Article II: Members and Terms of the Library Board of Trustees

Section I: Composition

The Library Board shall consist of seven (7) voting members and two (2) alternates.

Section II: Terms of Office

Term length for each board member is two years, appointed by the Board. Board members may be reappointed for additional terms. A Board member may be removed by a majority Board vote for not fulfilling the terms of the Bylaws.

Section III: Members of the Board

Total members of the Board will be seven (7), including:

  1. Three (3) members who are selected from the community.
  2. One (1) member representing the Friends of the Library.
  3. One (1) member representing the Belen City Council.
  4. One (1) member representing City of Belen Administration.
  5. The Library Director.
  6. Two (2) alternates who are selected from the community.
  7. From these, elected officers include President, Vice President and Secretary who may serve one year terms.

Section IV: Meetings and Minutes

The Library Board shall hold quarterly meetings, and special meetingsas needed. Meetings may be held in person or virtually, and votes maybe cast in person, by email, or by proxy. Robert’s Rules of Order will be followed for inpersonmeetings, and the minutes of each meeting shall be recorded.

Article III: Duties of the Library Board of Trustees

Section I: Board Duties and Responsibilities

The Library Board shall be responsible for the following duties:

  1. Assist the Library Director in adopting policies for the Library.
  2. Review and modify existing policies as necessary.
  3. Review and modify the mission statement of the Library as necessary.
  4. Assist the Library Director with fundraising when requested
  5. Assist the Library Director with public relations when requested.
  6. Assist the Library Director with other duties when requested.
  7. Actively attend Board meetings.

Section II: Duties of Officers

  1. The President shall:
    1. Stay current on important issues affecting the Library.
    2. Preside over Board meetings.
    3. Appoint committees as necessary.
    4. Develop meeting agendas.
  2. The Vice President shall:
    1. Assist the President.
    2. Assume the President’s responsibilities as necessary.
  3. The Secretary shall:
    1. Keep meeting minutes.
    2. Disseminate information on behalf of the Board as necessary.

Article IV: Bylaws of the Library Board of Trustees

Section I: Location

An official copy of the current Bylaws shall be available upon request from the following:

  1. The Board Officers
  2. The Library Director
  3. The City Clerk

Section II: Amendments

A majority vote by the Board is required to amend the Bylaws.