Every weekend between Sunday, April 21st through Saturday, May 25th the Belen Police Department will be conducting the PT Entrance Exam. The dates are below:
- Sunday April 21st
- Sunday April 28th
- Saturday May 4th
- Saturday May 11th
- Saturday May 18th
- Saturday May 25th
Each date the Exam will be held at the Belen High School football field, 1619 W Delgado Ave. from 9am – 11am.
Exam Requirements
- 1.5 Mile Run – 15:54
- 300 Meter Run – 71.0 seconds
- Sit-ups – 27 in 1 minute
- Push-ups – 15 in 1 minute
Academy Opportunities
Santa Fe Academy – Sunday, July 14th
CNM Academy – Monday, August 5th
The Belen Police Department is also accepting applications for certified laterals and laterals who need to the Certification by Waiver Academy which is scheduled to begin on MOnday, June 3rd in Santa Fe.
You may apply online by clicking on this link. If you have questions or want more information, please contact our Professional Standards Officer, Marilyn Rodriguez by email or phone (505) 966-2691.