Arcosa Wind Towers’ Career Fair

Arcosa will be hosting a career fair at the Belen Business Center on Tuesday, June 27th from 11am – 6pm. As they prepare to launch their new plant right here in Belen, they will need to hire for several different positions. You can find out more about working for Arcosa on their website.

Baby Box Installation

We are very excited to announce that Phase 1 of our Baby Box project has been completed! Today, the box was installed on the north side of station 1. Electrical and alarm phases are next!

Police Department’s Record Division Unavailable

Greetings all, The Belen Police Department’s records division will be unavailable for an undetermined amount of time, due to a medical emergency. The front office will be open to walk in traffic but police reports and other records related matters will not be available. We will update this post when the records division is available. Sorry for any inconvenience, and … Read More

Public Notice Regarding B – Town Bike Rally

The administrative leadership of the City of Belen is informing all that due to safety concerns, the upcoming B-Town Bike Rally that was scheduled is not approved by the City and the permit has been denied. It has been determed that there will be significant challenges that pose a threat to public safety. As the leadership of this City, our … Read More

Message From the Mayor – Monsoon Preparedness

What has Belén done to prepare for the coming monsoon season? The Aragon Pond (the largest retention pond) will not be complete by this monsoon season, it will be ready by next year. This pond will hold 185 acre feet of water. The Mae Reid Pond property has been tied up in probate for a few years. This process will … Read More

Belen’s Municipal Court Renamed to Honor Late Councilor Padilla

Yesterday, Tuesday May 30th, the Belen Municipal Court was renamed to the Councilor Yvette Padilla Belen Municpal Court. This was accomplished during a beautiful ceremony led by Mayor Robert Noblin during which City Clerk Dorothy Flores read the Proclamation renaming the Municipal Court building. The ceremony was attended by City and County dignitaries, Councilor Padilla’s family and friends, and other … Read More

Dedication of Belen Municipal Court

The dedication of the Belen Municipal Court in Honor of Councilor Yvette Padilla will be on Tuesday May 30, 2023 at 3pm at 525 Becker Ave.

Memorial Day Ceremony

On Monday, May 29th from 9am – 10am the Annual VFW Post 2387 Memorial Day Ceremony will be held at the Veterans Memorial Eagle Park. Refreshments will be served following at the Henry Byrd III Visitors Center. Please come out and join us for this day of remembrance for those who have died in service to our country.

Memorial Day Closure

All City buildings will be closed in observance of Memorial Day on Monday, May 29th. We hope you have a safe weekend and that you will join us in honoring those who gave their lives for our nation at the Memorial Day Ceremony. Please note that Monday’s trash route will be picked up on Tuesday.