Belen Baby Box Ribbon Cutting

Today, the City of Belen held the Ribbon Cutting ceremony for the Belen Baby Box. The event featured remarks from Roseann Peralta, City Manager; Michael Wessels, Deputy Chief of the Belen Fire Department; State Senators Greg Baca and David Gallegos; Pastor David Guerrero and his wife, Stephanie, from Belen First Baptist Church; a representative from the State Department of Finance and Administration; and Monica Kelsey, the founder of Safe Haven Baby Boxes.

During the proceedings, the entire Fire Department received well-deserved recognition for their dedicated commitment to the community. City of Belen staff members, local churches, generous donors, and all those who contributed to the realization of the Baby Box were also acknowledged. The event saw a capacity crowd, indicative of the community’s strong support.

The highlight of the day was a heartfelt blessing of the installation and the official ribbon-cutting of the Belen Baby Box. The event resonated with gratitude, recognizing the invaluable resource it offers to parents in our community who may be facing difficulties and seeking to make the best choice for their child. It was emphasized multiple times that this resource is available without judgment, enabling anonymous usage, and providing infants placed in the box with the opportunity for a brighter and more promising future.

If you were unable to attend we have provided a gallery of images below. For more detailed information about Safe Haven Baby Boxes, we invite you to explore their official website.