9/11 Memorial Park

Belen 9/11 Memorial Park was started one month after September, 11, 2001, to remember the innocent lives lost on that tragic day.

9/11 Memorial Park is a reminder that freedom is not free. On September, 11, 2001, 2,997 lives were lost in New York, Washington, DC, and Pennsylvania.

Belen gathers on the anniversary of 9/11 to honor first responders and fallen warriors who made the ultimate sacrifice on and after 9/11.

The park contains:

  • Freedom Wall with the names of fallen soldiers from New Mexico and those with ties to our state
  • Eight-foot marble replica of the twin towers
  • Steel beam from the World Trade Center
  • Eight-foot wingspan steel sculpture of an eagle
  • First responders shovel used at the Pentagon
  • 10,000-pound piece of limestone recovered from the rubble of the Pentagon, with a plaque dedicated to the lives that were  taken from us that day